Personal Planning Tools

Tools to Help You Plan Your Actions

This page is to help people map out, create, and/or then share their quarterly or yearly climate actions: as a way to help you organize the different ways you as an individual or group can take action. Planning alone increases success, but by then sending examples to us here at Climate Steps – you can help motivate others and shout out to the world – “I’m going to take these actions and publishing them here is going to force me to keep them up!”

Action Plans


Action plans are designed to help you outline and then quantify your plan and then your likely success.  The are commonly used in strategic planning for programs and projects everywhere, and they are very much plans – “I plan to do this in this manner.”  They are also often written so others can view them, encourage, and comment, especially a mentor.

By outlining the specifics, setting a timeline, and also sharing, you are more likely to meet your goals. These plans are a step up from a New Year’s Resolution and very useful. They’re not hard – just one to two pages of doable actions, but it’s a better way to check your progress. And at the end, it will help you see your impact. Because you can make significant impacts.

Note the examples but especially the BLANK template below. Once you create one – PLEASE SHARE IT WITH US! Just send it to with a statement that you are ready to share it with any and all (i.e., make it public domain or CC-attribution), and whether you want to remain anonymous or not, and, if suitable, we’ll upload it. We’re still figuring out how to do private versus public feedback, but we’ll get there.



Sample Energy Action Plan

Sample Food Action Plan

Sample Plastic Action Plan

Sample Social Action Plan

Sample Water Action Plan



Climate Maps!

Developed by Dr. Cat Russell, who also is our lead for our Energy Page, Climate Action Maps are one-page tools to organize and motivate the climate steps of any group, from a household to a community organization or government.

  • Each pathway on the map includes steps you choose to take to reduce your climate impact and create the future vision that inspires you. The steps are unique to your own context.
  • Maps can contain links to articles detailing the steps you’re taking, to inspire others. For example, here is a sample map of Cat’s off-grid house in Colorado. Their blog articles contain everything from details of their solar PV system and EV road trip experiences to recipes for homemade soap.
  • For simple instructions on how to create your own map, follow this link.

Discover Regional Actions via Tools

Hey Ontario Canadians – there’s a great tool for finding out what climate action is going on near you – The Climate Action Atlas. The header information says its useful for municipalities and communities to learn what’s going on near them, but I say it’s darn useful for us regular folks to know too and support any way we can. (Sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s meant by communities.)

So check it out, and help add to it. Cheers! And thanks to member Aviva Patel for pointing it out to me.

Share Your Actions!

Share your actions with us here – removing personal data, and it will help others plan theirs. I also can send you an email reminder three months later (just one reminder) to help keep you on track.

Examples people are uploading:


S.R. Plastic Action Plan 2023 Download

R and P’s 3 months Action Plan Download

An Example Action Map for a Family Download

Olson Personal Climate Action Plan – food for CS Download






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