by Earth Hero | Oct 4, 2023 | Education, minimization/mitigation, Uncategorized
Try out this free online video course focused on solutions to the climate emergency. Filled with the latest fascinating insights from leaders in climate policy, research, and beyond, this video series is a brain-shift toward game-changing climate action. Grow your...
by Krista Kurth | Apr 22, 2023 | At home, Culture Change, Krista's column, message, Personal Behavior, Planning, Resources
Note from Climate Steps Founder and Editor, Dr. Annette Olson: We welcome Dr. Krista Kurth as a regular contributor to Climate Steps. She will be sharing her articles with us, as well as on her own site: As you can...
by Annette Olson | Apr 14, 2020 | At home, Food, Outside, Personal Behavior, Uncategorized
Need a list of things you can do to save the planet while stuck at home or in the yard, self-isolating? Well, there’s no need to binge-watch shows you aren’t interested in. Instead …
by Annette Olson | Jan 1, 2020 | Culture Change, message, Other organizations, Personal Behavior, Resources, survival/adaptation
It’s a new year, 2020, and it’s a time to understand that we, the public, are now more empowered than ever before in this climate emergency, despite how incredibly impotent we feel with the horrible devastation in Australia, which is experiencing catastrophic...
by Amy Copeland | Aug 18, 2019 | At home, Culture Change, Guest blogger, Personal Behavior, plastics
How would I even start doing something about those things? I think I’ll crawl under the covers and hope someone else figures this stuff out. … But wait!….