Personal Behavior
Make a Personal Impact on Climate Change
Broad, community actions can have a much higher impact than personal impacts, true – but you also control your own personal actions at home, at the office, shopping, and more. Even better, you can – and should – strengthen those actions’ impacts by making sure they are visible to others AND actively sharing them. Ripple effects count!
Here are some articles and resources, and then Learn More below.
Climate Steps: Personal
Pack a Go Bag
Adopt an animal near extinction
Unsubscribe from email lists
“A third of the food raised or prepared does no”
Personal Behavior Articles
Our Own, Amazing Lisa Howard!
Our own Lisa Howard, CSteps' website designer (YAY!), a good friend, and the California State Coordinator for Citizen Climate Lobby (CCL), is interviewed here in this podcast, and she is Marvelous. The first 30 minutes is about communication about climate change,...
Avoid bottled beverages
It is no secret that our oceans and land are choking on waste, but what do we do about it? Start at the top and work your way down the list of offenders. Avoiding bottled beverages, which often come in plastic, is a good way to have an impact. Single-use plastic...
Install a smart thermostat
Your thermostat is the central nervous system of your home heating or cooling system. If you still rely on antiquated manual thermostats, you are burning unnecessary money and carbon. Typically, smart thermostats save you up to twenty percent of your energy...
Borrow library books
Most people only read a book once. By borrowing books from the library instead of buying them, multiple people read each copy, reducing the number of copies that need to be produced. This, in turn, reduces the number of trees cut down, the associated energy cost, and...
Get basic first aid training
Knowing even a little first aid can be critical in the event of a severe accident or climate event. It is also useful for the cuts and burns of day-to-day life. And in the event of a major disaster, you can better assist medical professionals if you already know the...
Bike instead of drive
Car travel is one of the biggest carbon dioxide emission sources and creates harmful particulates, nitrous oxide, ozone, and other pollutants. Cycling is a great alternative for many car journeys, bringing significant health benefits and saving serious money. Plus it...
Videos About Climate Change and Personal Behavior
About Climate Change and Personal Behavior
Podcast: How Amazon Workers Got Serious About Climate (and How You Can, Too)