
How to Communicate About Climate Actions

There are several, even many, great websites out there about how to communicate to friends, families, and others about climate change – and today’s crisis. This site references those, but we focus here on how to communicate and encourage climate *action.* Once people understand climate change, how do we help move folks’ mindsets away from neglect or doom to actual action? Every single 0.001 difference in a climate degree helps protect not only us, but plants, insects, mammals and other types of life, who deserve life as well. Every single action counts. Further, we can help show others the more impactful actions available.

Climate Steps: Communication


Make a neighbor contact list.

talk about cliamte

Talk about climate.

letters to editor

Write letters to the editor.

“The most important thing you can do to fight climate change is talk about it.”
- Katharine Hayhoe

Climate Communication Articles

Pollinating Ideas and Planting their Seeds

Pollinating Ideas and Planting their Seeds

  We are in the first week of June and the global atmospheric CO2 level is 424.44 ppm, as compared to 420.69 ppm a year ago. When I was born in 1954, the average was 313.20 ppm. For the past several weeks, there've been statements from scientists at the United...

An Earth Day 2040 Climate Vision for a Healthy Planet

An Earth Day 2040 Climate Vision for a Healthy Planet

Note from Climate Steps Founder and Editor, Dr. Annette Olson:  We welcome Dr. Krista Kurth as a regular contributor to Climate Steps. She will be sharing her articles with us, as well as on her own site:  As you can...

Our Social/Community-level Actions are Here!

Our Social/Community-level Actions are Here!

NEWS! - Mark Stewart has just wound up a series of pages about the impact of individuals leading and joining COMMUNITIES in terms of fighting the climate crisis - and adapting to climate disasters.  So check out our new Social/Community Section!...

What is Your Next Step?

What is Your Next Step?

What is your next step? Whatever you think about or whatever decisions you make will basically be steps (some small and some big) that you’ll take from the moment you wake up in the morning til you fall asleep at night.

Videos About Climate Change Communication

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