by Mark Stewart | Dec 12, 2021 | Community, Culture Change, Education, Energy, Parents & Kids, Planning, Uncategorized
Photo by Hans Hamann on Unsplash[/caption] The facts are in. The global temperature is rising and so are the oceans, accompanied by increasingly frequent and intense fires, droughts and floods, out-of-season melting of polar ice, glaciers and mountain snow...
by Annette Olson | Mar 12, 2021 | Interviews, message, Parents & Kids, Personal Behavior, plastics, Uncategorized
Now and Next This is the last chapter in the story of three sharp engineers, who decided to make a difference – and write childrens’ books. Read the first two episodes if you haven’t yet: …Chapter 1: the story of why [link] and Chapter 2: the how’s of planning...
by Annette Olson | Mar 5, 2021 | Interviews, Uncategorized
Research and Rhyming This is the continuation of an interview with three great people, all submarine engineers, who you can get to know in Chapter 1. [link] Nick, Jon, and Matt You three guys have three planned children’s books being developed for hardcopy but...
by Annette Olson | Apr 14, 2020 | At home, Food, Outside, Personal Behavior, Uncategorized
Need a list of things you can do to save the planet while stuck at home or in the yard, self-isolating? Well, there’s no need to binge-watch shows you aren’t interested in. Instead …
by Annette Olson | Feb 19, 2020 | Culture Change, message, Parents & Kids
And then this song came along. One of the best Climate Songs ever. Adorable Irish children rapping about the climate.