by Earth Hero | Apr 22, 2024 | At home, Communication, Politics
As for many climate actions — influencing other people is key to creating an impact. Putting up election signs in your yard puts the topic into the mind of others as they pass by. Go for it! Make a statement and influence your neighbors — after all, they love and...
by Earth Hero | Oct 4, 2023 | At home, Displayable EH Action, Parents & Kids
Though Easter egg hunts began in Germany in the 16th century, they were popularized by in the 1800s at Kensington Palace in England. They are a fun activity that people of all ages can enjoy. Make them even better by reducing the usage of polluting single-use plastic!...
by Earth Hero | Oct 4, 2023 | At home, Displayable EH Action
This one is simple. Whenever you come across the smell of methane (natural gas) give a call to your local utility gas-reporting phone number or website. Not only do you prevent the risk of explosions, but it helps not waste this polluting, planet-heating substance...
by Earth Hero | Oct 4, 2023 | Displayable EH Action, Personal Behavior
Nobody wanted to eat Patagonian toothfish. Then, in 1977, an American fish merchant changed the name to Chilean sea bass and it took off. Similarly, the Chinese gooseberry was not popular. It is known as the kiwi today. And did you know that before canola oil was so...
by Earth Hero | Oct 4, 2023 | Displayable EH Action, Politics, Social
What do women’s rights have to do with climate change and sustainability? Naturally, as part of a free and fair society, it should be an essential right that everyone has access to high-quality education and voluntary family planning. They produce a wide range...