
Our Own, Amazing Lisa Howard!

Our Own, Amazing Lisa Howard!

 Our own Lisa Howard, CSteps' website designer (YAY!), a good friend, and the California State Coordinator for Citizen Climate Lobby (CCL), is interviewed here in this podcast, and she is Marvelous.   The first 30 minutes...

Put up election signs

Put up election signs

As for many climate actions — influencing other people is key to creating an impact. Putting up election signs in your yard puts the topic into the mind of others as they pass by. Go for it! Make a statement and influence...

Avoid bottled beverages

Avoid bottled beverages

It is no secret that our oceans and land are choking on waste, but what do we do about it? Start at the top and work your way down the list of offenders. Avoiding bottled beverages, which often come in plastic, is a good...

Install a smart thermostat

Install a smart thermostat

Your thermostat is the central nervous system of your home heating or cooling system. If you still rely on antiquated manual thermostats, you are burning unnecessary money and carbon. Typically, smart thermostats save you...

Create a green team at work

Create a green team at work

The workplace is often a critically neglected area when it comes to sustainability. It takes time and thought energy to create change. Luckily you already understand your workplace and are well suited to be an agent of...

Setup rainwater harvesting

Setup rainwater harvesting

One of our most essential needs, for most of us, water is often taken for granted, being conveniently piped right to our homes. This tremendous human achievement should be given its due credit and appreciated, but also its...

Avoid hotel toiletries

Avoid hotel toiletries

Bringing your own toiletries is not only more convenient because you know what you are getting out of your products, but it also reduces the amount of plastic you consume. I know the mini shampoos and conditioners are...

Borrow library books

Borrow library books

Most people only read a book once. By borrowing books from the library instead of buying them, multiple people read each copy, reducing the number of copies that need to be produced. This, in turn, reduces the number of...

Get basic first aid training

Get basic first aid training

Knowing even a little first aid can be critical in the event of a severe accident or climate event. It is also useful for the cuts and burns of day-to-day life. And in the event of a major disaster, you can better assist...

Plant native milkweed

Plant native milkweed

Monarchs are large and brilliantly colored butterflies that are among the most easily recognizable. They are one of the few migratory insects, traveling great distances between summer and winter. In the summer, they range...

Bike instead of drive

Bike instead of drive

Car travel is one of the biggest carbon dioxide emission sources and creates harmful particulates, nitrous oxide, ozone, and other pollutants. Cycling is a great alternative for many car journeys, bringing significant...

Drink plant milk

Drink plant milk

Plant-based milk has been making headlines for a number of years now. You have undoubtedly seen a variety of non-dairy milk in stores or heard about them from friends or family. These new options have become popular with...

Get clothes second hand

Get clothes second hand

Money spent on brand-new clothes represents pollution from manufacturing, packaging, and shipping of these textiles. Will you ever be able to use only used clothing? Realistically not. But the more you incorporate...

Electric bike instead of drive

Electric bike instead of drive

An electric bike is a game-changer for bike commuting. The motor assist makes it easy to travel fast, climb hills, and haul heavy loads (including children!) without breaking a sweat (literally). You do not have to be in...


Climate Steps™ is a nonprofit organization that provides information about the types and priorities for climate steps and supports and encourages individuals and organizations to take action, including the potential for direct links to opportunities in the near future.

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A number of photos throughout Climate Steps have been donated by Chris Bernacchi and are copyrighted. Other photos are CC-BY 4.0 and are courtesy of Dr. Olson (Founder, Climate Steps),,, Pixabay, and other sources, generally identified via captions.

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