
How To Reduce Our “Stuff” and Its Impact on Climate Change

There are no two ways about it. Those of us in many, many countries have just created, manufactured, transported, housed, sold, and bought too much stuff. This has created stronger inequalities within those countries and across the world, and greatly damaged our planet. It’s time to reduce our noncritical ‘stuff’, to think long-term in designing the processing and transport of critical equipment, and to help create a different world.

Climate Steps: Stuff

maintain frig
Maintain your refrigerator and AC

sharing library
Use a sharing library (tools, toys, etc.)

stop junk mail
Stop receiving junk mail

“Libraries of Things are rolling together all the things people only infrequently need and bringing them together in one place, so they have something for everyone. Pay one membership or subscription fee, and you can borrow everything from camping gear to a popcorn maker.”

- Gene Homicki, co-founder and CEO of myTurn


About Climate Change and Stuff

Under Development!

But a nitty gritty study in 2020 found that the creation of every new product resulted in greenhouse gas emissions totaling 6 times the product’s weight!


Carbon emissions embodied in product value chains and the role of Life Cycle Assessment in curbing them - Scientific Reports
Carbon emissions embodied in product value chains and the role of Life Cycle Assessment in curbing them – Scientific Reports
Life cycle-based analyses are considered crucial for designing product value chains towards lower carbon emissions. We have used data reported by companies to CDP for public disclosure to build a database of 866 product carbon footprints (PCFs), from 145 companies, 30 industries, and 28 countries.  (And Climate Steps means to help folks learn more from this database!)

Articles About Personal Belongings

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Tiny Houses Fight Global Warming

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The Three Submarine Engineers – Chapter 3

The Three Submarine Engineers – Chapter 3

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The Plastic Podcast

The Plastic Podcast

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Plastic-Free July Starts Tomorrow

Plastic-Free July Starts Tomorrow

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Recirculating Stuff

Recirculating Stuff

After we ourselves “Reuse” something, but before we “Recycle” it, there is a concept we really need to become aware of and do: we need to “Recirculate.” In other words….

Videos About Climate Change and Stuff

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