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Food Steps: Eat a Plant-Rich Diet
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Ease: Medium
Impact Rating (1-5): 3
Influence Beyond You: 3
Types of Impacts: Biodiversity, Save Water, Money saver, Save Energy, Protects Ecosystems, System change, Health
Does it help with making your community resilient to disasters and emergencies? No
Tags: Waste, Visible action
Money Saved (1-4 $): $$
Source(s):; Be the Change, by Peter Kalmus.
Description: Cut down on your weekly meat and seafood consumption to quickly and significantly reduce emissions, especially if you eat red meat. Scientific authorities suggest eating less meat and seafood is one of the biggest things you can do to tackle your personal emissions.
How-to Tips:
• Take your time to switch, as rushing could cause you to give up too soon. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Better habits are built slowly over time.
Image credit: Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels
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