by Mark Stewart | Nov 24, 2023 | At home, Collective, Culture Change, Food, Outdoors, Outside, Personal Behavior
A wonderful, essential concept to build your community around is food. There are three main areas in which we can do so. First, by working with our neighbors to improve our community’s access to local, fresh food, we can spend more time in healthy environments while...
by Annette Olson | Dec 29, 2022 | At home, Buildings, Collective, Community, Culture Change, Economics/Business, Education, Energy, Financial, Industry, Investment, minimization/mitigation, Office, Outdoors, Outside, Parents & Kids, Personal Behavior, survival/adaptation
NEWS! – Mark Stewart has just wound up a series of pages about the impact of individuals leading and joining COMMUNITIES in terms of fighting the climate crisis – and adapting to climate disasters. So check out our new Social/Community Section!...
by Annette Olson | Aug 18, 2022 | At home, Collective, Community, Culture Change, event, Food, Outdoors, Outside, Personal Behavior
So what’s perhaps the biggest barrier to eating vegan food especially? Probably a lack of familiarity. Many people may see vegan ingredients or dishes in the …
by Krista Kurth | Feb 9, 2022 | Biodiversity, Collective, Culture Change, Financial, Holiday, message, minimization/mitigation, Personal Behavior, Politics
Dr. Krista Kurth has given us permission to repost her blog about our largest love – Earth. Her great writing very much matches our goals here at Climate Steps – as it combines a nice style with scientific facts and critically, specific actions. Thank you,...
by Mark Stewart | Jul 26, 2021 | At home, Buildings, Collective, Community, Culture Change, Energy, Guest blogger, minimization/mitigation, Outdoors, Outside, Personal Behavior, Resources, travel
Tiny houses have been around for as long as humans have sought shelter, but lately they are becoming a more popular choice in housing internationally, offering alternatives for people who want their own house but, for a variety of reasons, don’t want a traditional, single-family home.