Image by kaboompics from Pixabay

Ease Rating: Easy

Impact Rating (0-5): Impact = 0 (least) - 5 (most). This is a combination of a calculated scale and expert judgment in the absence of scientific data that directly quantifies the impact of a particular action.

5 - ~80% target progress (2,000+ kg CO2e)
4 - ~60% (1,000 - 2,000 kg CO2e)
3 - ~20% (500 - 1,000 kg CO2e)
2 - ~10% (100 - 500 kg CO2e)
1 - <10% (<100 kg CO2e)
0 - <1% (<30 kg CO2e)

No. of People Influenced Beyond You: hundreds of people

Amount of Savings: n/a

Resilience Benefit: Will this action help the user avoid, reduce, or recover from the impacts of (climate-driven) disasters, and, in some cases, enable the user to help others (e.g., in a family or community)?

Impacts: 🏛️ System Change

Categories: Advocacy & Choice


Our own actions are vital in the fight to save our future; however, that fight will be lost if governments and industry remain tangled in the polluting status quo.

Politicians propose, support, and create laws or policies that govern the land and, by extension, its people. They need to be aware and moved by the will of those who elected them.

Join your fellow citizens, and thousands of other Earth Hero users, and write your representatives to inform them of your needs.


• Studies have found that handwritten letters are the most effective means to catch attention, but emails are super easy to send. Either way, make them personal, tell a story, have them contain specifics.
• Most importantly send the message and send them often! A simple message is infinitely better than sending no message at all. Here is a basic template to give you some ideas, Dear____________, I am writing to you because of my concern that _________ is going in the wrong direction on climate change. We can no longer ignore the ongoing effects of climate change. The year has turned for the worse in terms of extreme weather events and an overheating Earth, and the situation is not going to improve. I am proud to be a citizen of _______, yet we are one of the worst contributors to ecological destruction in the world. I was lucky enough to be born in this great country in this great time. For the sake of our prosperity, the economy, and future generations we need to phase out pollution and our destructive ways. As my _____, I am asking you to call for stronger action on climate change. Please: Support any and all actions which curtail CO₂ emissions, grow clean renewable energy, reduce subsidies to polluting companies, protect our water, air, and land, and reduce the amount of waste in our landfills. Simply, my vote in the next election will go to the candidate with the best climate change and environmental platform. I hope that is you! Sincerely, ______________
• You can find other templates online if you are looking for more inspiration.
• If an election is upcoming, ensure that our representatives are aware that your vote will go to the candidate with the best climate change and environmental platform.

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