Photo by Bruno Kelzer on Unsplash
Ease Rating: Easy
Carbon Emission Savings: 11 kg CO2e
5 - ~80% target progress (2,000+ kg CO2e)
4 - ~60% (1,000 - 2,000 kg CO2e)
3 - ~20% (500 - 1,000 kg CO2e)
2 - ~10% (100 - 500 kg CO2e)
1 - <10% (<100 kg CO2e)
0 - <1% (<30 kg CO2e)
No. of People Influenced Beyond You: 0.
Amount of Savings: $
Impacts: 💪🏽 Improve Health
Categories: Home & Work
This is simple: replace your gas-powered lawn mower with an electric or push mower!
Move away from polluting gas plus the mess it causes. Gas tends to spill when filling a traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) mower. How much? Ted Steinberg outlines the cost of it in his book American Green where he states in the process of refueling lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and other garden equipment, about seventeen million gallons of gasoline are spilled each year, or about 50 percent more oil than marred the Alaskan coast during the notorious Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster.
Further, even a new gas-powered lawn mower produces as many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide emissions in one hour of operation as 11 cars being driven an hour according to the US Environmental Protection Agency. Now you know why it has that unforgettable smell.
• Have too much grass to handle with a push mower? No worries. Electric mowers are lighter, cheaper, and more efficient than traditional internal combustion engine gas-powered mowers. And they save the inconvenience of needing to go out to get gasoline.• Do you have a good relationship with your neighbors? Consider going in for a mower together to save costs and limit the need to create extra stuff.