Ease Rating: Medium
Carbon Emission Savings: 78 kg CO2e or less if electrically heating with clean energy
5 - ~80% target progress (2,000+ kg CO2e)
4 - ~60% (1,000 - 2,000 kg CO2e)
3 - ~20% (500 - 1,000 kg CO2e)
2 - ~10% (100 - 500 kg CO2e)
1 - <10% (<100 kg CO2e)
0 - <1% (<30 kg CO2e)
No. of People Influenced Beyond You: 0.
Amount of Savings: $
Impacts: đź’ł Save Money
Categories: Energy
Insulating your hot water pipes will reduce losses as the hot water flows to your faucet, and more importantly, it will reduce standby losses when the tap is turned off and then back on within an hour or so.
Water heating is a significant energy use. As we use hot water for our showers, laundry and washing dishes, collectively, we are consuming a quarter of our residential energy use worldwide. Around 10% of the water heating energy in the typical house is lost in the distribution system. In a large house, distribution losses are even greater. It is a waste and like flushing money down the drain.
• Hot water pipe insulation is relatively inexpensive and pays for itself. A simple sleeve is placed over the hot water pipe and typically taped into place. A quick search online will show you how to do it and the options.• The project is easy to do yourself when your hot water pipes are exposed. For example, coming out of your water heater and in your basement (if you have one).
• However, for pipes that are in the walls, it is likely not a project worth doing. In that case, keep the idea in mind for when there is another reason to open up a wall, such as a leak or a major remodel.