I want to congratulate Nick, Matt, and Jon, three submarine engineers who I wrote about in a three-part series as examples of people who have decided to change their lives to support the environment. Their first children’s environmental book just came out, with art by Anuka Baratashvili.
The key reason I featured a series on them is not only because they decided to change their life and focus on the environment, but how they planned, collaborated, and tested the project. A decision is only the first step, taking the actual action is next – but that can be broken into parts.
You can find out more below about why – and especially how – these three engineers did an about-face and wrote and created children’s books – and started an entire educational movement around them.
The Three Submarine Engineers – Chapter 2
The Three Submarine Engineers – Chapter 3
Let’s congratulate them for their first book being published, and for Anuka’s incredible work, which I’ve put as the CSteps home page image for this month of April, and another as a header here, and another below, with their permission, of course You can see more of her illustrations and her process at: https://www.instagram.com/stop_dropping_litter/.

On World Book Day, in Plymouth, England, these three engineers had 9,000 children in 52 schools read their book, including by Lord Major, Members of Parliament, and “many others.”

Kids at a primary school – excited to learn about sustainability.
And let’s also congratulate them for their wonderful efforts at schools and libraries to directly involve kids in discussions about these books, showcasing their ability to do great public outreach, which benefits many.
You don’t have the to purchase the books (and it’s difficult to outside of the UK) – you can listen to them here for free. https://www.the3engineers.com/books. In British accents no less!
A lot of work went into this, but it has resulted in significant impact already. An environmental movement has to actually get started by people who make a decision to do something to help.