According to the United Nations, the climate crisis has become the defining issue of our generation. With the legislative and executive branches of states around the world failing to act, however, the judicial branch often remains the last resort to address the growing human rights and environmental crises. Learn more on how you can take legal climate action through Climate Steps’ new “Climate Action: Courts” section!

With a look at international legal efforts, and a focus on American and some Canadian court systems – as well as some excellent examples, we provide an overview on the types of cases that can be conducted and some initial steps before you contact a lawyer.

A mighty thanks to Climate Steps policy intern Azka Naz for researching and leading the writing on this article.

Azka is a sophomore studying Public Affairs and Policy Management at Carleton University. She is specializing in international policy studies, with a focus on international relations and conflict. She is interested in defense, development, public health, pharmaceuticals, and international law. She believes that the climate emergency is interconnected with all of these areas, and is a growing and very relevant issue to the overall global policy sphere. 

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